Daybreak Games Signs Agreement for Magic: The Gathering Online

Dungeons and also Dragons (in English Dungeons & Dragons), typically shortened in D & D, DND or ADVERTISEMENT & D, is just one of the first having fun video games on medieval-fantastic style. The game was created in the 1970s by Americans Gary Gaga and also Dave Arson. Gaga likewise established the very first role-playing publishing company, Tactical Researches Rules (a lot more understood under the TSR phrase) to disseminate this game.

Daybreak Games is a subsidiary of END Global 7. It is a leading editor and developer of various titles, especially in the field of MMO. These titles include Everest I, Everest II, DC Universe Online and Planet side 2. The company has also worked on Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online. Wizards of the Coast is the company behind the revolutionary franchises, Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons. Thus, it is not surprising that Daybreak Games and Wizards of the Coast have concluded a license agreement for Magic: The Gathering Online.

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Companies announced that they have officially entered into a long-term licensing agreement to develop, provide live service and publish Magic: The Gathering Online. Magic: The Gathering Online will be the online version of the historic and epic table game, Magic: The Gathering.

There are no details yet on the agreement. However, given the history of both companies, Magic: The Gathering Online goes in the right direction. The game has been put online for the first time in 2002, at a very different time than today. The digital sphere has grown so far that the possibilities are now endless for two large companies.

Hi Ham, CEO of Daybreak Games, said the company was delighted to work with Wizards of the Coast and Improve Magic: The Gathering Online.

Chris Cocks, President of Wizards of the Coast, noted that Magic: The Gathering Online was the company's first company in the digital world. He went further by declaring that they were convinced that the two companies could build together.

What do you think of Magic: The Gathering Online? What do you think of the partnership? Are you going to try the game in the future? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter and Facebook.
