Rubius and Roblox create a reverse squid game where streamers fight each other

The Doors ist ein US-amerikanisches biografisches Filmdrama des Regisseurs Oliver Stone aus dem Jahr 1991. Der Film thematisiert die Geschichte der Rockband The Doors und vor allem den Werdegang des Sängers Jim Morrison, dargestellt durch Val Kilmer. Morrison wird als Ikone der 1960er-Jahre-Rock-Kultur und des zeitgemäßen Hippie-Lebensstiles dargestellt, dessen Leben stark von einem Geflecht aus Alkoholkonsum, Einnahme halluzinogener Substanzen, Esoterik und einer Obsession vom Tod beeinflusst war. Zur detailgenauen Darstellung der Band, ihrer Umgebung und insbesondere der Konzertszenen trug die Mitarbeit der Doors-Mitglieder Robby Krieger und John Densmore bei. Densmore hatte im Film auch einen Cameo-Auftritt. Der Doors-Keyboarder Ray Manzarek sowie zahlreiche Weggefährten kritisierten den Film wegen seiner fehlenden Authentizität und der unrealistischen Darstellung von Jim Morrison. Der Soundtrack enthält zahlreiche Stücke der Doors. Der Hauptdarsteller Val Kilmer beeindruckte die Kritiker mit seinem Gesang, der im Film über die instrumentalen Originalaufnahmen der Doors gesetzt werden konnte.

Squid Game stars take on the Dalgona Challenge [ENG SUB]

The Fire of The Game of Squid has left a lot of people marked, including Youtuber converted to streamer rubius , which since I saw it began to speculate their respective games in some way. That is when ROBLOX was one of the first organizations that organized within its game a recreation of the famous Korean series that has been tuned for so many people. This is how the influencer spoke with developers and high charges of Roblox to perform a competition with these tests to see the winner.

Thus, around 115 streamers Hispano -ablors were invited to the Rubius tournament, which to participate will have to have an easy condition but only available for a few. And it is that whoever earned these squid games in Roblox would be a minimum of 10 gift subscriptions by each participant, so it would take a minimum of 1150 subscriptions in total, but this amount It could have increased enormously, since at first it was speculated to give up from the beginning some 50 subscriptions for each participant.

Thus, Rubius has organized squid games that, despite some obstacles, it has been quite successful on Twitch , arriving at records in the Roblox category. Champions of these games have been Zeling, Spreen and Sekiam , giving each person a total of 30 subscribers. The Norwegian streamer has thus achieved squid games with a confrontation that instead of seeing poor fighting and dying for money , we will see more than 100 streamers with a fairly comfortable lifestyle fighting for subscriptions To earn even more money at the end of the month. With this result we can only ask a question that will answer our own readers; Rubius really understood the series?
