The general chat of LOL will be deactivated

Although League of Legends is a game beloved by millions of people and home to hundreds of professional players, it also suffers from a high degree of toxicity and verbal abuse. In this way, Riota Games announced a measure of prevention against this behavior , which does not solve a lot, but it is a step towards the right direction.

Through a statement, Riot Games has revealed that the general chat of the matched items , where the 10 players of a game can talk, will be deactivated. In this way, it is expected that the toxicity that is lived in a game is reduced. However, team chat, where this type of behavior is also presented, will still be present. This was what the company said in this regard:

Although the general chat can be the source of a fun social interaction between equipment, as well as well-intentioned jokes, right now the negative interactions exceed the positive ones. We will evaluate the impact of this change through the reports of verbal abuse, the rate of penalties, the surveys and the comments of all of you.

We will only deactivate the general chat. Enemies can still listen and see the gestures and the mastery of the champions. The chat of the end of the game will remain from both teams. Allies can still be coordinated from each other in the team chat.

As for the latter, we are aware that verbal abuse also occurs in team chat, so deactivating the general chat will not completely eliminate abuse. But team chat plays a very important role in team coordination, so the potential value it provides is much greater, even when unfortunately stayed some negative experiences.

In the past, Riot Games has implemented a series of measures against toxicity, such as reports that separate players from other people. However, It seems that none of these have the result that is sought , since inappropriate behavior follows constantly.

On related topics, a professional player of League of Legends was arrested. Similarly, here you can check our gameplay of League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Editor s note:

Unfortunately, toxicity has become part of the identity of league of Legends , and it seems that no matter what measures what Riot Games implemented, people will continue to behave inadequately. Although this is not a problem with friends or tournaments, when playing with strangers get ready to receive at least one insult.

???? Tyler1: Riot Games has gone too far

Via: League of Legends
