Wow Classic: class

When WoW Classic was standing in the starting area and warmed up, I was able to read everywhere on social media or in the commentary, that the lousy class balancing of Vanilla-WOW will not be a factor for many players. You will still play a retardant, shadow priest, né owl, an elementary shaman or a protective paladin. Also in my guild consisted of our first RAID visits from a colorful heap, with numerous meme Spent. No matter, the content is easy anyway!

Only it just does not matter for many players in truth that one comes through the content. They want to make an important contribution, maybe even rock the DPS meter. Or at least from time to time end a fight with the normal damage rotation, without having to have crass MANA problems. The result: Without pressure from the outside, most of the meme SPEC players moved to warriors, magicians and consorts. The same I was able to observe in many other normal articles. I do not need to start from the Progress communities with Speed run and First kill ambitions.

With the first season of WoW Classic s championship, the RAID challenges are now not only crispy, the fighting will take much longer and thanks to larger health resorts. Say: Meme specters will have even more difficult. The vanilla construction site class balancing would urgently be tackled before the release. But Blizzard does not want.

No big class changes — the reason

WoW Classic Class Picking Guide The developers justify their decisions with a long foremost: TL; DR: Players should be able to recognize their classes from Vanilla-WoW, because that s exactly why WOW CLASSIC. And in the beta you have seen that colored mixed raidgrupps are quite well done with the bosses.

Here is the entire post:

Classes are the lens through which we see World of Warcraft (now €14.99), and for many players makes the way their favorite class is played, a large part of the memories of a certain time in the story of World of Warcraft. WoW, Classic is especially special because it creates the possibility to re-experience the gameplay from past versions of WOW again. The goal of retrieving it for players is one of the key points of the project by WoW Classic. We want players to recognize their classes, with their strengths and restrictions, and we want to avoid the situation that frequent balance changes will be necessary and players must ask themselves from week to week what will be with their class.

Errors can of course be resolved, but generally speaking, the classes that you know from Classic will also be the classes you will recover this season. Although we know that some players would like to see a version of Classic, which brings adjustments for essential class tools, we did not plan that for this season.

We also have concerns that the increased health of raid bosses could further reduce the class variety. Above all, it s all about warriors and villains that are better suited for long struggles because the MANA does not go out. We do not want to ignore these concerns, but it was our intention to increase the health of raid bosses to balance the better availability of equipment and the improved talent by version 1.12 of objects and classes. We want to make sure that players stay long enough in combat to deal with the boss mechanics, and we believe that the changes for encounters could inspire new strategies for battles.

Last week we saw the beta test in the melted core and for Onyx, that groups that force warriors and rogues accumulated more difficulties than groups that had a greater variety of classes. Here many variables play in, especially the equipment and the fact that they have experienced these struggles for the first time, but that gives us hope that we are on the right track. But we will keep in mind and are open to further adjustments, if it turns out that we will be wrong and necessary.

Finally, it is not our goal to exclude certain classes or plays of rich access content in the championship season. We expect the raid content to be completed in the season of the championship with many batting compilations and becomes. That should not be that we expect to look completely represented every single specialization in all game levels, but we hope that everything feels familiar, though the tempo is another and have to solve new problems to overcome the challenges of the game What do you think about this decision? Track us in the comments! The links marked are affiliate links. Affiliate links are no ads, as we are independent in the search and selection of the presented products. For product sales we receive a small commission, with which we partially finance the free content of the website.


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