The highly evaluated youth mystery ADV OXENFREE is finally Japanese! The sequel is postponed to 2023

Let's Netflix has distributed the adventure game Entree developed by Night School Studio in Japanese for Netflix subscribers.

This work is a multi-ending adventure game released in 2016 and highly evaluated. Lamina High School students who encountered a mysterious paranormal phenomenon on the night of the party that should be fun will touch the dark past hidden on the island visited at the party.

The story is based on what happened during World War II. 92%of 7,952 of 7,952 are popular, and Metascore has earned 80 points in the PC version with the highest number of reviews.

In addition, the release of the sequel Entree II: Lost Signals, which tells the story five years after this work, has been decided. At the beginning of the announcement, the reason for the postponement is that they want to make this work as the best as possible, but to increase the number of localized languages. Netflix has acquired the studio in September 2021, and can be expected to improve and add more localized quality.

Although Entree II has been announced in Japanese, the previous work has not been made official Japanese or Japanese modification MOD since its release, and there were voices seeking Japanese. In the future, there may be a movement that works that have not been translated into Japanese will be translated into Japanese by Netflix. The Japanese version this time is only the iOS/Android version for Netflix subscribers, and at the time of this article, it has not been confirmed on other platforms such as PC/console.

Netflix version Entree is being distributed for iOS/Android. You need to join Netflix to play.
